Research & Teaching Pages of Patrick Toche, keywords: "economics", "toche", "patrick toche"




  • I have written programs in R, Python, Matlab and clones, Stata, Maple, and occasionally in Ox, RATS, Gauss, Limdep, Mayavi. Recently I have mostly written in R, Maple, Python, and scilab. Below is a selection of programs I have used in my teaching. Some of the code is available from other public repositories. Some of the code is the product of joint work with others and cannot be shared at this time.
  • Precautionary Saving. Maple program to simulate the tractable model of precautionary saving.
  • Portfolio Choice. Maple program to simulate basic portfolio allocation problem.
  • Neoclassical Growth. Matlab programs to simulate the Ramsey-Solow model of optimal consumption/saving.
  • Habit Formation. Maple programs to simulate models of habit formation.
  • Income Inequality. Stata programs to estimate the dynamics of U.S. income distribution.